TURKEY / Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education & Ali Osman Sönmez Vocational and Technical High School
After all the intellectual outputs in the project were produced and the activities were completed, the Multiplier Event was organised by Bursa MEM with the participation of students, teachers, and the legal representatives of some related institutions and NGOs swhich are working on the programming sector. The participant students and the teachers were chosen from the ICT departments of VET high schools in Bursa. Key persons from government institutions, universities, schools, NGOs, SMEs, associations, social Enterprises, university groups and individual experts on coding and programming were invited. Some famous entrepreneurs were invited as keynote speakers to motivate the students to study coding and programming.
An introductory video was prepared and showed how to use outputs and their contents. The project brochures and some promotional materials were distributed to the participants.
Project roll-up banners and other visuals were hung in order to raise awareness of outputs and the project itself. At the event, firstly the project and the intellectual outputs were introduced, the intellectual outputs and their aims were explained in detail. The questionnaire results situation analyses were presented in detail. Then the most important IO of the project code is loading online platform was introduced by the creators who were the teachers from Ali Osman Sönmez Vocational and Technical High School. After this introduction, some teachers from AOS VEt school shared their experiences during the project process. And the video messages about the project of the other partners were watched by the audience.
In the second session, there were good practices and some small workshops on coding and programming by the leadership of some entrepreneurs and programming engineers.The event gave participants the possibility to gain insight into the experience, benefits as well as discover good practices. The participants were informed that all documents are available on the online coding platform for everyone. The event was finalized successfully as planned.
ITALY / Lıceo Scıenze Umane “E.Gıanturco”
The Multiplier Event was organised on 1st September 2021 by LICEO SCIENZE UMANE & “E.GIANTURCO” at the auditorium of the Campus Seminario, located in Potenza. The event was organised in a big conference hall with the participation of key persons from government institutions, universities, schools, NGOs, SMEs, associations, social Enterprises,university groups and individual experts related to coding and programming.
At the event, firstly the project was introduced, the intellectual outputs and their aims were explained, and then a small practical training on using the online coding platform was given to the participants. The documents which were prepared for the dissemination were distributed to the audience. The visuals were hung in order to raise awareness of outputs and the project itself.
HUNGARY / Bálint Márton Általános Iskola és Középiskola
The event was organised byBálint Márton Általános Iskola és Középiskola on 23tn and 25th August 2021 in Törökbbalin in Hungary. The event was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, workshops were held for the promotion and use of the project and intellectual outputs for the teachers of the institution. The second stage was held on August 25, hosted by Telenor, one of the most important telecommunications and technology companies in the region, with the participation of other technology companies,
NGOs, related software developers, university students and entrepreneurs. In the event, first of all, the project was introduced and the intellectual outputs were explained in detail. Afterwards, the most important output, the online coding platform, was introduced, and support was requested from the participants for its use and dissemination.
The event has participants the possibility to gain insight in experience,benefit as well as discovering good practices. The participants were informed that all documents are available on the online coding platform for everyone
SPAIN / Unıversidad De Castilla – La Mancha
The event was organised by Unıversıdad De Castılla – La Mancha on 6th and 8th October 2021 in Albacete in Spain. The event was carried out in two stages. On October 6 th 2021, the conference and workshop dissemination events were held at the Faculty of Computer Science Engineering (ESII) from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Campus of Albacete,Spain). Two days later, on October 8th 2021, the same multiplier event took place at IES Calderón de la Barca (Pinto, Madrid).
This event was previously announced in various ways in order to increase its visibility (via email and social networks) so that as many people as possible could attend and benefit from the intellectual outputs. 40 participants came from Spanish institutions related to Education and Technology, representing the target groups of the project. That is, teachers, students, researchers, and companies that can benefit from the intellectual outputs.
The majority of attendees and participants worked for the higher education sector, including professors from different Spanish educational institutions. All the researchers from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha who attended, are working in fields related to technology, engineering, education, educational psychology, pedagogy, etc.
POLAND / Centrum Edukacyjne EST
Due to the covid-19 pandemic conditions that affected the whole world, our Polish project partner Centrum Educayne realized the project multiplier event with an open-air organization in a tent in the public park on 20th June 2021 in Wadowice, Poland.
The organisation invited directly some representatives of stakeholders listed in the proposal but had also an open invitation to the local and regional community – especially for the teachers and students of the local schools, trainers, youth workers and representatives of local NGOs and training centres, and local officials. The event day was set up in the region as a day where all the NGOs have an opportunity to advertise their activities in different forms, people know about it and usually come to see.
Firstly, the event started with the presentation of the project and the intellectual outputs then the coordinators spent 2-3 hours explaining details in small groups or for individuals – those who were directly invited and those who answered an open invitation. The place was visualized by the posters and rollup of Code is Loading project. During the presentation printing materials (leaflets) were distributed and with computers the platform,webinars and tutorials were presented to the audience.
There was also a possibility for teachers and students to try programming. Some robots or microcontrollers which can be immediately programmed were set up to create immediate visualization of provided code and to increase the attraction of this workshop part.
PORTUGAL / Agrupamento De Escolas Domingos Sequeira
The event was organised by Agrupamento De Escolas Domingos Sequeira on 29th September 2021 and 16th October 2021 in Leiria in Portugal. The event was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, workshops were held for the promotion and use of the project and intellectual outputs for the teachers of the institution. The second stage was held on October 16 , with the participation of the teachers from different schools in the city, technology companies, NGOs, software developers, university students and entrepreneurs.
In the event, first of all, the project was introduced and the intellectual outputs were explained in detail. Afterwards, the most important output, the online coding platform, was introduced, and support was requested from the participants for its use and dissemination.
The event has participants the possibility to gain insight in experience,benefit as well as discovering good practices. The participants were informed that all documents are available on the online coding platform for everyone.
The event has given participants the possibility to gain insight in experience,benefit as well as discovering good practices. The participants were informed that all documents are available on the online coding platform for everyone.