Potenza, ITALY / https://www.liceoscienzeumanepz.gov.it

The Lyceum of Human Sciences E. Gianturco of Potenza collects in particular the legacy of Lyceum socio-psycho-pedagogical and the Lyceum of the social sciences, trying to combine tradition and modernity.
The purpose of the Lyceum of Human Sciences E. Gianturco of Potenza is to provide students basic tools to navigate:
- in the internal dimension of the mind and emotions
- in the external dimension of socio-economic relations
- in the enhancement of physical training – motor and sports.
In addition to ensuring a complete cultural formation as a Lyceum, this high school is characterized by the deepening and reflection on the complexity of human nature with the aim of guide students to better understand themselves and others, providing them with the tools to orientate in body dimension and in the interior dimension of the mind and emotions.
The disciplines that help to develop these key skills are precisely the following Human Sciences, which characterize this Lyceum:
- Psychology that is the science that studies the mind and behaviour of people, wondering, for example: “How memory works? “,” What are emotions? “,” How interpret dreams? “,” What are mental disorders? “, etc..
- Sociology that is the science that deals with the society in which live, wondering, for example: “Why was born the society?” “What are the mass media and what are their effects? “, etc..
- The Pedagogy and Educational Sciences that focus on formation of the person, asking, for example: “What is the best way to educate a child? “,” What is the school? “,” How to promote the integration of students with disabilities? ” etc..
The institute has three different tracks:
- LYCEUM OF HUMAN SCIENCES: Knowledge of the mind and the development of the person
- LYCEUM OF HUMAN SCIENCES SPORTS TRACK: Knowledge of communicative dimension of corporeality