The kick-off meeting of CODE IS LOADING project has been held in Albacete, Spain in 7th– 8th of March, 2019. The hosting organisation was Universidad De Castilla La Mancha – UCLM. The meeting venue was the meeting room of Albacete Research Insitute of Informatics (I3A). The total number of the participants was 21.
On the first day of the meeting ;
The participants got to know each other and team spirit was built easily thanks to some non-formal education methods. Full professor and director of the Albacete Research Institute of Informatics, Luis Orozco started the meeting with his welcome speech. The technical director of EU & International RTD project office , Llanos Carrion gave information about the projects of the university.
In partner introduction session & presentations of situation analysis for the curriculum (O1-A1) part ; Each member from partner organisations presented their organisations to the participants. After lunch break, from Bursa MEM, the coordinator of the project, Hüseyin Şahin presented the ‘Project Methodology and Road Map of CODE IS LOADING’. He explained the aim , activities ,intellectual outputs ,expected results ,LTT and TPM activities and finally dissemination activities of the project in detail. Then, from another member of Bursa MEM, Fatma Tunçel presented ‘Project and Budget Management’. She explained the scope of each budget items ,how to deserve these budgets and the documentation of them to the project coordinator. After the coffee break, UCLM started to explain the questionnaire of Situation Analysis for students and teachers (O1-A2).
After the first day’s sessions ,the participants joined the city tour by a tourist guide .They had the chance to know the city better. They also had the chance the free time after city tour until dinner.
On the second day of the meeting ;
The participants visited departments of the Institute of Informatics with the guidance of the PhD students .They explained their projects showing the robots and mechanisms. The participants had the chance to see, understand, compare, even try and learn new technologies in the coding field. After this efficient visit, the content of online platform was presented by AOS MTAL, Eda Koşar and Öznur Ovaseven -ICT teachers of the organisation started their presentation with a provoking role-play and question showing how a normal and programmer’s brain thinks. Then, they continued with the information of what will be included in the platform and how it will work .
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