An e-learning platform has also been created on for coding and software enthusiasts and those who need training on coding. You can find tutorial videos, webinar records, documents and useful links related to different coding languages.


Each partner except the coordinator set up a coding language (PHP, C# , C, Python, Swift,Javascript, Scratch etc) and shoot 20 educational videos about 3-5 minutes related to the subject and upload them to the e-learning part of the platform. These videos are English or have English subtitles so that every user from around the world can understand.


Each country will plan and make 12 webinars thanks to their expert or teachers who are Professional in a coding language during the project period. The aim of these acts is to provide open coding training for everyone in an online platform. Anyone requesting/registering these national and international webinars will be able to participate. Webinars will last an hour and will be recorded during the interactive education and uploaded to the e-learning part of the platform. They will be able to be viewed again later and thus an automatic content will be generated.

The webinars of the partners started, if you are interested please follow and social media accounts of #codeisloading


Each partner upload the documents which are useful about coding and programming or the relevant links, to the E-learning part of the platform to provide more coding training documents by sharing the academic studies about coding or the useful documents.

You can find the documents and useful links related to coding and software in the e-learning part.  

For the videos, documents and  webinar records please click here

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